Thursday, January 31, 2019

FPD Mum on Chase Gun Incident

A man walks into a bank with a gun and a box of bullets.  You would think this would be newsworthy, something the PD would want the public informed about.  And this is especially true since they caught the suspect within four minutes of being dispatched.  This could have ended tragically had this man, who appears to be mentally challenged, given the gun and bullets to someone with a criminal history.  Stay informed.  Listen to Fremont and Union City Police Dispatch live stream and hear what is going on around town.  I'll do my best to keep the blog updated when I can.

Update:  FPD blotter is out and they do acknowledge that the man was mentally challenged.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree this information should have been shared. It scares me how some of the mentally ill and homeless are able to obtain guns. Is law abiding citizens have to fight to keep our right to bare arms to protect ourselves from the bad guys. Thanks for sharing the feed and keeping us informed. I can’t always listen to the scanner while I’m at work but I do check your blog periodically.
