Saturday, February 2, 2019

Groundhog Day

Like the movie, listening to the scanner is really Groundhog Day all over again.  Same calls.  Everyday.  Tresspass, auto burglaries, family feuds, welfare checks, suicide threats, auto wrecks, lost kids, lost elders, theft.  Fortunately a shooting is rare but a "gun call" is becoming more common.   A random home invasion is very rare.  Tomorrow will be the same.  Stay tuned.


  1. Pursuit & foot chase Fremont Blvd @ Motel 6

  2. 210 Listeners! I don’t think this is a legit number because I’m not hearing anything major. 🤔

  3. Yes I saw that too and it's bogus. The feed was #3 in the nation at the time (slow across America).
