Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID-19 Update for Fremont (Updated)

There have been two more presumed COVID-19 patients taken to Kaiser-Fremont in the last 24 hours or so.  Maybe more.  FFD seems to be operating under a new protocol.  Twice today when dispatched for medical calls, one of which was a difficulty in breathing call, the crew on scene canceled the ambulance.  In days past it seemed like it was an automatic trip to the hospital for anyone calling for paramedics.  Now they seem to be encouraging people to stay at home unless it is a life threatening emergency.  This is probably for two reasons 1) keep hospital beds and staff available, and 2) keep the patient free of any coronavirus exposure.

This from Alameda County Fire...FFD probably doing the same:

#ALCOFIRE wants our community to know that we are taking every precaution with regards to the #coronavirus When you call for help because you or a family member are sick with a cough, cold, or flu-we will be showing up looking a little bit different. Don’t be alarmed.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Scanner for providing information regarding this. I figured there had to be cases here but the city wouldn’t share that information with us. Even if it’s a “possible” case, we should still be notified.
