If it was me or you, we would have had to be in compliance last Tuesday. But when you employ 10K workers and produce a car that the police department goes gaga over, you can have your way. Elon says he will close production operations at the end of business on Monday afternoon, and this is apparently OK with city leaders. I hope this wasn't too inconvenient for him.
LA. Times story: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-03-19/tesla-will-suspend-car-production-to-comply-with-coronavirus-lockdown
Now that Elon has set precedent, we can now use that excuse.
Officer "Your music is too loud. You need to turn it down".
You: "Yes officer. No problem. I'll do it by Monday afternoon".
Officer "You are driving too fast. You need to slow down".
You: "Yes officer. Starting Monday afternoon I'll drive slower".
Officer "You can't sleep in front of this store. You need to move".
You: "Yes officer. I'll be gone by Monday afternoon".
You get the idea. Stay safe out there. FremontStreets out.
That is insane. I bet he won’t shut down either. He got away with it once & will most definitely do again. No penalty, nothing.