Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sideshow Video from U.C. Last Sunday

Someone posted a nice eight minute video of the sideshow at Mission and Whipple last week, complete with the burning Christmas tree (near the end).  During this event UCPD officers were gathering a few blocks away and eventually rolled in to disperse the mob.  FPD rolled code 3 north on Mission to assist.


  1. That is fucking insane. I nominate Fremont Streets for best local news coverage in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    This was fantastic, non-opinionated, footage of a sideshow in Fremont the likes-of-which I had never seen. Its hard not to watch this an scream, "something must be done." but I will restrain myself. And when some kid is inevitably injured or killed, I'll remind myself that not always, but usually, there are no "innocent" victims.
    Thank you for your great service to the community through journalism. with the help of pulitzer-worthy gonzo videographers whose work is linked here.

  2. my apologies in advance to anyone who can't think straight after the mere exposure to particular words. my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. LOL.
