Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gun Call on Stevenson and 880

At around 6:30 this evening a citizen reported a transient looking male pointing to a silver handgun he had in his coat pocket.  Apparently the man was not showing it in a threatening manner, but was disturbing none the less.  Officers were quick to arrive and located a known transient walking on Stevenson in the area.  He was detained.  It is unknown if he had a gun on him or not but officers resumed normal radio traffic after he was detained.
Update- that may not have been the right guy.  They have resumed restricted radio traffic.  Now reporting they have one at gunpoint at Stevenson and Albrae St.  The man they have detained has a shell casing on him but no gun.  Officers will check the wooded area he exited from looking for a gun.  Sounds like this is the man.

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