Monday, September 30, 2019

Poor Dispatching (Again)

Every time there is a crash in Niles Canyon, the new dispatchers, reading a screen with no clue to what they are talking about, put the crash out as at "Mission and Niles".  This happened just now, "11-83 Mission and Niles, Mission and Niles.  This will be Niles Canyon 1/2 mile west of Palomares."  This location is probably a good mile east of "Mission and Niles".  They all do it.  Apparently anything happening in the canyon is marked as "Mission and Niles" and then somewhere on the screen there are additional notes telling exactly where the incident really is.  The proper way to dispatch that would be: "11-83, Niles Canyon 1/2 mile west of Palomares."  Done.


  1. Dude, stick to the police blotter and stop armchair quarterbacking their radio protocol.

  2. I like his armchair quarterbacking.

  3. Besides, Mr. Anonymous, it's his blog and he's doing us a favor by reporting this crazy crap.
    - not anonymous.

  4. Valid point. Perhaps they should refer to the mile markers so that people can reference the actual location. As for comment #2.....SMH....

  5. The police blotter is a joke....information from weeks ago, how friggin lame
