Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stabbing on Leslie Street

A man was stabbed in the leg on Leslie Street near Bidwell around 7:50 this evening.  Three suspects fled on foot.  An officer chased one suspect on foot and held him at gunpoint.  Citizens in the area are assisting officers in locating the suspects.  An officer with the victim said this is a "good 245" (assault with a deadly weapon).  The suspect with the knife is still outstanding.  Officers are flooding the area.
Update:  One suspect has called 9-1-1 to turn himself in. One of the two suspects now detained said the knife was in their apartment and has given police permission to enter the apartment.  Also, the victim has positively i.d. one of the suspects.  The outstanding suspect is a 20 year old male.
Update at 8:40- The last suspect has now been taken into custody.  Three suspects rounded up in less than an hour....not bad.  Units are clearing the area.  No info on the severity of the stab wound.

The following is from FPD Nixle.  Please note that the call was dispatched at 7:50, not 7:30.

Swings and Mids officers have taken 3 suspects into custody after responding to a stabbing in area of Leslie St./Bidwell Dr.  

The assault with a deadly weapon call came in to dispatch around 7:30 pm.  Officers arrived and found a male victim suffering from a non-life threatening stab wound to his lower body.  He was transported to a hospital for treatment. 

Three suspects initially fled the scene on foot.  One male suspect was located and detained by one of the first arriving officers.  The second suspect turned himself in a short time later.  A third suspect was located hiding within our perimeter at about 8:40 pm.  

We are still investigating the circumstances that led up to the stabbing and officers do not believe there are any outstanding suspects.