Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fights Break Out at 2 A.M. !

On J St. in Niles a man was down from a fight.  At the Saddle Rack, a drunk customer was unconscious and on the floor after being beaten.  Officers were rolling code 3 north and south just before bar closing time, 2 a.m.  In Niles, one driving through in the late afternoon could not help but sense a festive atmosphere.  There were yard sales, parties, music, dancing.  The annual Antique Faire would start before sunrise. You had a feeling it could get ugly after dark.  Just before 2 a.m. 6-7 car loads of males began fighting in front of an antique store on Niles near J.  One man was down with at least moderate injuries to his hands and wrists.  Paramedics were called.  A suspect armed with a knife fled on foot south on J.  By the time officers arrived, all participants had fled, less the man down.
At the Saddle Rack, security broke up a fight just before 2 a.m.  One man was down and unconscious.  He was drunk.  The other involved party was still there too.  Paramedics were called in.

1 comment:

  1. FPD was due for these types of calls. Besides the homeless, loud music & stolen car calls, it was time for a change. 😉. As long as no one is seriously hurt.
