Sunday, November 17, 2019

FPD Pursuit Stats

The following info is taken from blog posts since July 20th.  These are of pursuits that I was aware of as a part time observer,  but obviously there have been many more with most of them unreported by FPD.  In fact, in the last four months there have been only three (3) Patrol Blotters published (July 25, Sept 22 and Oct 12).

During the past four months, I have chronicled 12 high speed pursuits through the streets of Fremont and/or on neighboring freeways.  Of those, 1 resulted in fatal injuries.  Two pursuits were completed without injuries that resulted in the arrest of four suspects.   Of the 10 other pursuits, 4 resulted in suspects being injured and  arrested and 6 were terminated prior to the suspect vehicle being stopped.  The one fatality and 9 of the 12 injured from these pursuits were suspects and/or passengers in the suspect vehicle.  Only three citizens were injured, with at least one of which was of major injuries.  So, in summary, there were 12 pursuits that killed one suspect and injured 6 other suspects.  3 citizens were injured from these pursuits.  2 pursuits ended safely with 4 people being arrested.

Again, these are unofficial stats from my observations.


  1. I was a little surprised that most of the injuries were to suspects with few innocent victims. This still doesn't give them a green light to pursue a suspect through large, busy intersections like last night.
