Monday, November 18, 2019

Photos of the Day

The retail shops in the new "Downtown Fremont" shopping area are either vacant or under construction.  I saw no signs advertising coming retailers.  Is there too much retail in Fremont already?


  1. The new Fremont multi-use buildings are not well received by many residents. COF is trying to build shove this type of developments down our throats which is sad. Many of the storefronts are empty since they haven been available for lease/use and it seems no one is interested in them. I’m sure large part of it because the rents are too high and way too much traffic because the streets cannot accommodate the additional cars that are in our city. Narrowing the streets doesn’t help either which causes other issues.

  2. I agree. The City said they wanted local business, restaurants, etc, but the rents would be prohibitive, so we'll see the dreaded chain stores there, if any. We can sure us another Starbucks. NOT
