Tuesday, November 12, 2019

No Right Turn on Red Signal on Walnut

Well technically and legally you can still make a right turn on a red light on Walnut Avenue.  But in reality, with the new construction of the intersections, it is nearly impossible.  One must be the first car in the right hand lane in order to make the turn.  If you are the second car or further, there is no longer a shoulder area (former bike lane) to turn into.  AND when turning onto Walnut from a side street, it is nearly impossible to keep the turn tight and into the right lane on Walnut.  The redo of the intersection requires a very wide turn, thus one must make sure NO traffic is coming down Walnut before making the turn.  And, again, you must be the first car at the hold line in order to make the turn as the shoulder area has been cemented over.  Stevenson or Mowry seem like better options.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is a mess and not thought out. Making the corners this large is insane. I have been almost side swiped because swing out (in to the next lane) to make the right turn. Oh and if there are buses or big rigs, forget it. They take up both lanes while driving down Walnut. It has become more dangerous with this design.
