Saturday, November 2, 2019

Man With a Knife Call on Augustine

Police activity off Isherwood on Augustine.  Police officers are looking for a man with a knife.  This is a family related issue and the son (unknown age) has left and is hopping fences in the area.  Numerous officers are rolling code 3 into the area.
Update at 7:15.  After a short but intense standoff in the backyard of an Isherwood home, the subject was taken into custody.  Apparently there were no injuries, but paramedics will check out the subject.  Sounds like the police dog may have been involved, but an officer said there were "no bites".  Ruff!


  1. Hope they can talk him out of any violence. Mental issue. Has paring knife and maybe a pick-axe.

  2. Safe ending without physical injury. Mental health issues is a tough one.
