Saturday, November 9, 2019

Police Activity at Fremont and Decoto

A man was spotted on the roof of the 7-Eleven at Fremont and Decoto around 8 o'clock this evening.  Police officers have ordered the man down via a ladder.  The roof was checked by a drone and found to be clear.  The roof of a  nearby real estate office was also checked by the drone and found clear.  There is some concern that the suspect may have entered the real estate office, but the suspect, according to radio traffic, was only up on the roof and was looking for his keys.


  1. When I heard he was looking for his keys on the roof, my thought was, why would your keys be on the roof? Why were you in the roof?

  2. The guy told the officer, at least according to radio traffic, that he left his keys up there the LAST time he was up there. Didn't sound like a contractor...
