Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Police Active Near Central and Joseph

Fremont Police officers have an apartment complex surrounded near Central and Joseph this afternoon after a report of a burglary in progress.  The suspect dismantled the interior video cameras during the burglary.  As of this writing officers are still in place.
Update:  Officers and the K-9 just made entry and the burglar was gone.  However, they did have good video of him in the bedroom before he dismantled the cameras.  The dude was wearing a Washington Nationals cap.  Sometimes these caps of red or blue are worn by gangsters and doesn't necessarily mean they are a fan of that team.  I don't think there is any gang that wears green and yellow, hence you seldom hear of a bad guy wearing an A's hat.  Just saying.


  1. Geez. You know it seems these crooks don’t care. What are your thoughts of the criminals disabling The Ring with some type of device while they are breaking in to cars or stealing them. A friend of mine has his Yukon XL stolen from the front of his house a few nights ago. During that night, his and his neighbors Rings were not working. I’m convinced they have some device to be able to do that.
