Tuesday, March 5, 2019

7-Eleven Chapel & Other Transient Calls

While most of you are at work,  FPD spends much of the day responding to disturbances caused by transients.  At the 7-Eleven on Chapel at Fremont Blvd there is a man standing outside yelling and refusing to leave.  There will be more before the day is over....
And there is...in Niles at Hillview and 2nd, a man walking down the middle of the street wrapped in a large blanket....and Grimmer and Victoria a transient walking in the traffic lane....a woman down on Beacon with possible leg injury but could be mentally ill as well per reporting party....a man on Thornton Avenue attempting to wash windows and talking to himself was told to move along...Paseo and Walnut, man in his 50s stumbling around and fell to the ground.  He appeared drunk...now at 6:15 p.m. a gathering of homeless at the 7-Eleven on Sundale causing a disturbance and then one of them punched the employee...a man at the Warming Center at Central Park called and said he had been off his meds and might do something bad (at least he called for help).

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