Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Winds Are Stirring Up Trouble

Officers are en route to the north part of town to check a report of a man punching another man.  The fight is over, but the suspect seems high on drugs and is still in the area.  Then in the Irvington area a man with mental issues is acting out in a home.  The family members have exited.  Several officers, including one from the MET (Mobile Evaluation Team) are en route. And off of Driscoll a room mate disturbance.  Officers are on the way there as well.
Update at 5:46 p.m.  Calming wind prevailed and it appears that all of the above incidents were resolved peacefully.


  1. And in UC I'm hearing a family 415 going down that sounds nasty. Meth involved and dad hitting son's g/f after finding meth bag.
