Monday, March 4, 2019

Barricaded Suspect in Hayward

Hayward Police have asked for Fremont's assistance with a barricaded subject on Industrial Blvd near the Mission Hills Golf Course.  HPD is evacuating the neighbors.  More to follow.
Update- per radio traffic, suspect says he wants to come out either in his boxer shorts or naked.
Update- Now the suspect says he may shower before coming out.  I still don't know what the want is, but HPD will probably have a news release later.
Fremont PD is there to operate their drone.
Suspect says he is coming out now....but he was still inside the last I heard before HPD switched all radio traffic over to their tactical encrypted radio channel.
Update at 5:50 pm.  Per radio traffic from an FPD officer on scene, HPD has the subject in custody.


  1. I saw that. I was like #7 active scanner in the nation! This guy is sure taking his time. Heard he wanted to take a shower before he comes out. Then he'll have some pizza delivered...

  2. The robot gonna see him naked.

  3. Awesome #7! Yeah Round Table on The way. Lol about the robot
